Parallel build validation of Tcl-Chemshell

I have followed the steps described in the manual to built up tcl version of Chemshell. To validate the parallel builds, I ran the following command:

chemsh -p 4 validate_buildbot.chm

I got an following output describing the status:

val: F hybrid sodalite_subtractive_dl_poly_mndo.chm 0.0 1
U fragment charges.chm 0.1
P fragment lsqfit.chm 0.3 OK
P zmatrix gradcheck.chm 0.2 0
U zmatrix z_recalc.chm 0.0
P zmatrix z_substitute.chm 0.0 0
P zmatrix z_var.chm 0.0 OK
P field create_grid.chm 0.0 0
U field field_limits.chm 0.0
U field field_ops.chm 0.0
P field irregular.chm 0.1 0
U field subtract.chm 0.3
U matrix test.chm 0.1
P dl_poly pph3.chm 0.2 OK
P dl_poly water_atom_cutoff.chm 0.0 OK
P dl_poly water_group_cutoff.chm 0.0 OK
P dl_poly water_ewald.chm 0.0 OK
P dl_poly water_spme.chm 0.0 OK
F gulp mgo.chm 0.0 invalid command name “W_gulp_input”
P amber adenine.chm 0.2 OK
P amber ethane.chm 0.0 OK
P amber vanco.chm 0.6 OK
M gamess hf.chm 0.0 Unsupported test: Requires GAMESS-UK (e.g. rungamess in the path)
M gamess basisspec.chm 0.0 Unsupported test: Requires GAMESS-UK (e.g. rungamess in the path)
M gamess dispersion_energy.chm 0.0 Unsupported test: Requires GAMESS-UK (e.g. rungamess in the path)
M gamess dispersion_gradient.chm 0.0 Unsupported test: Requires GAMESS-UK (e.g. rungamess in the path)
P pointcharge pointcharge.chm 0.1 OK
P pointcharge pointcharge_file.chm 0.0 OK
P pointcharge pointcharge_frag.chm 0.0 OK
M pointcharge esp_from_gamess.chm 0.0 Unsupported test: Requires GAMESS-UK (e.g. rungamess in the path)
F charmm energy.chm 0.0 error flushing “file11”: broken pipe
F charmm select.chm 0.0 error flushing “file13”: broken pipe
P hdlcopt hdlcopt_min.chm 0.4 OK
P hdlcopt hdlcopt_ts.chm 0.7 OK
P hdlcopt hdlcopt_constraints.chm 2.5 OK
P hdlcopt hdlcopt_residues.chm 0.2 OK
P hdlcopt hdlcopt_fixed.chm 0.4 OK
P hdlcopt input_hessian.chm 1.6 OK
M hdlcopt water_dimer_microiterative.chm 0.0 Unsupported test: Requires GAMESS-UK (e.g. rungamess in the path)
P hdlcopt ts_cart.chm 5.3 OK
P hdlcopt torsion_test.chm 1.3 OK
P dl-find minimum_LBFGS_cartesians.chm 1.1 OK
P dl-find minimum_LBFGS_DLC.chm 2.0 OK
P dl-find minimum_LBFGS_MWcartesians.chm 1.1 OK
P dl-find minimum_DLC_constraints.chm 1.7 OK
P dl-find TS_P-RFO_Cartesians.chm 3.0 OK
P dl-find TS_dimer_Cartesians.chm 4.7 OK
P dl-find TS_NEB_Cartesians_rhf.chm 3.4 OK
P newopt bfgs.chm 0.5 OK
P newopt custom.chm 0.1 OK
P newopt descent.chm 1.0 OK
P newopt quadratic.chm 0.0 OK
P newopt rosenbrock.chm 0.3 OK
P newopt rosenbrock_custom.chm 0.0 OK
P newopt zeolite_cluster.chm 0.9 OK
P dynamics water_auto_shake_nve.chm 0.5 OK
P dynamics water_shake_nve.chm 0.4 OK
P dynamics water_shake_nvt.chm 0.4 OK
P dynamics water_shake_npt.chm 0.4 OK
U dynamics 2d_dynamics.chm 3.1
P restraints all.chm 0.1 OK
P restraints all_gradient.chm 0.2 OK
P force n2.chm 0.7 0
P force saddle.chm 1.0 OK
F irc hcn_newopt.chm 2.0 Failed: wrong number of points in backwards path
F irc hcn_opt.chm 4.3 Failed: wrong number of points in backwards path
P surface h2o_rigid.chm 0.3 OK
P surface h2o_relax.chm 0.7 OK
M hybrid h2o_dimer_mech.chm 0.0 Unsupported test: Requires GAMESS-UK (e.g. rungamess in the path)
M hybrid h2o_dimer_elec.chm 0.0 Unsupported test: Requires GAMESS-UK (e.g. rungamess in the path)
M hybrid h2o_dimer_hybrid_setup.chm 0.0 Unsupported test: Requires GAMESS-UK (e.g. rungamess in the path)
M hybrid ethanol_aca.chm 0.0 Unsupported test: Requires full MNDO (not core version)
M hybrid shells.chm 0.0 Unsupported test: Requires GAMESS-UK (e.g. rungamess in the path)
M hybrid tim_shift_energy.chm 0.0 Unsupported test: Requires full MNDO (not core version)
M hybrid tim_l1_energy.chm 0.0 Unsupported test: Requires full MNDO (not core version)
M hybrid tim_l2_energy.chm 0.0 Unsupported test: Requires full MNDO (not core version)
M hybrid tim_aca_energy.chm 0.0 Unsupported test: Requires full MNDO (not core version)
M hybrid water_electrostatic_qmmm_dyn_spme.chm 0.0 Unsupported test: Requires full MNDO (not core version)
M hybrid water_electrostatic_qmmm_dyn_ewald.chm 0.0 Unsupported test: Requires full MNDO (not core version)
P hybrid water_mechanical_qmmm_dyn_spme.chm 1.9 OK
P hybrid water_subtractive_qmmm_dyn.chm 2.0 OK
P hybrid h2o_dimer_subtractive_mm_mm.chm 0.5 OK
P hybrid h2o_dimer_subtractive_mm_mndo.chm 1.2 OK
F hybrid sodalite_subtractive_gulp_mndo_expl_typed.chm 0.4
F hybrid sodalite_subtractive_gulp_mndo_auto_typed.chm 0.0
F hybrid sodalite_subtractive_dl_poly_mndo.chm 0.0

As you can see, some of the tests returns as F. Before this step, the serial build validation didn’t return any test as F.

Hence, has Chemshell been successfully built in my machine to run parallel across multicores.?


Hi Anagh,

It’s difficult to say without knowing why these tests have failed. Have you looked into the outputs of the failed tests to check for errors?

Best wishes,


Hi Tom,
Thanks for the response. The test results that show F message doesn’t produce any output.

Is it okay anyway to start our calculations (geometry optimization, transition state scan) using Chemshell?

Hi Anagh,

It would obviously be better if they all pass, but as the calculations you intend to run don’t appear to overlap with the tests that are producing no output, you should be OK.

Best wishes,
